Title: Mind Games
Series: Mind Games #1
Author: Kiersten White
Published: February 2013 by HarperTeen
Published: February 2013 by HarperTeen
I can't see the present...but I know what lies ahead. My instincts are always right...but every move I make feels wrong. It's my fault Fia's here...how was I supposed to know? Annie will die if I don't do what they ask...I'll wish I were dead if I do.
I was completely unsure of what to expect from Mind Games. I really didn't read this due to the blurb (I mean, it's so vague), but due to the title. What would a book called Mind Games be about? I had no idea.
Straight away, I was launched into the story of Sofia "Fia" and Annie. They were sisters who were trapped in a school for psychics and mind readers. The story jumps frequently between past and present, telling you the back story. Annie is blind, but she can see fragments of the future. Fia has a unique power, she has perfect instincts. Fia has to do what the school wants her to do, or else, they would kill Annie. She always does. Except once.
Even though the story is told from both characters' point of view, I would have to say that Fia is more the main character. I liked how the author made the character voices quite distinct.
Fia, although she is quite mature, her voice has a more immature feel to it. She sometimes repeats things and she frequently taps her leg. In the writing, her voice frequently has thoughts written inside brackets. She is very broken inside, and always tries to hide her secrets from Annie.
Fia, although she is quite mature, her voice has a more immature feel to it. She sometimes repeats things and she frequently taps her leg. In the writing, her voice frequently has thoughts written inside brackets. She is very broken inside, and always tries to hide her secrets from Annie.
Annie has a more sensible and reserved voice. Like Fia, she really loves her sister and her main actions are all centred around her.
Mind Games is a really interesting book. It is a fresh idea among many YA books out there. It is a dark, twisted story about two sisters facing impossible choices. This book is a must read.
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